Monday, November 13, 2006

Avon Calling

As some of you may know, I have recently signed on to be an independent AVON sales rep. Some of you may also know that I have been with various other direct sales companies in the past. So far my experience with Avon has been great! The response has been wonderful! I hate to use the cliche line "the products sell themselves," but they really do!

I have had friends and family ask me for a book, rather than just rolling their eyes as they have done in the past when I told them my latest venture! It's great to be a part of a company that people know and love. A much better feeling than trying to peddle products people clearly don't know or want!

So far I have done much better with this than with most of the other direct sales companies combined. I say most, as I have also had a wonderful experience with Cello in a Box. It's just a different market than Avon.

I'm looking forward to getting this business off the ground and running. I love the products, I love the company and I think this will be a lot of fun!

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